Poetry Contest "Hands in the World"

The Municipality of Sabugal and Learning Center Location Open University organize the 2nd edition of the Poetry Contest – “Hands in the World”, which aims to stimulate creativity, enhance the literary production, promote writing and reading habits the younger, and reward the production of poetry originals.

The contest is for all citizens – writers or not. three specific categories are defined:

General: 18 years
Revelation Youth: between 14 and 18 years
Children: up to 14 years

The poems can be delivered by the end of the day June 30, 2016, in hand, the Municipality of Sabugal, or by mail to the following address:

Municipality of Sabugal
Poetry Contest “Hands in the World
Republic square
6320-007 Sabugal

The first three classified in each category will be awarded a prize to disclose in due course.
Regulation Poetry Contest 2016