The Municipality of Sabugal will promote, once again, the event themed “Walls with History” in the Historical Village of Sortelha from 23 to 25 September 2016.

This year carry us to for the troubadour spirit of the century. XIII-XIV, since the Middle Ages is the time of troubadour, singer who wanders from place to place in search of their livelihood.

What king or kings to visit this excursion into the Middle Ages? Certainly D. Dinis, king … and … Lavrador. Trovador also a king who is so dear to these lands Sabugal …

Sortelha is the ideal setting for such an event … in any place feel so transported to the Middle Ages and in our walls with history.

It is this “environment” that will develop the event.

A trip to the medieval everyday we propose to revisit will be complemented with time market, taverns, live crafts, continuous teatralizações, live music and amazing performances.

(Translated by Google Translator)