On the 16th February, the Great Hall of the Sabugal City Hall was stage to the presentation of the issue number 7 of the Sabucale Magazine of the Sabugal Museum, that had the presence of Dr Martín Almagro-Gorbea, reputed spanish archaeologist, professor of the Complutense University of Madrid and member of the Royal Academy of History.

After the opening session, with interventions by the vice-Mayor of Sabugal, Delfina Leal, and by the archaeologist Marcos Osório, of the Archeaology and Museology of Sabugal, followed the lecture by Dr. Martín Almagro-Gorbea about “The Sabugal Lovers Stones and the pre-historic rites of divination”, in which he presented the most complete collection of manifestations related to the phenomena up to date, being the most reputed investigator concerning this theme that caused great interest in the auditorium.

In the Sabugal Municipality there are two Lovers Stones, one in the parish of Vilar do Touro and the other in Baraçal, probably existing more, but not mentioned because it meaning is not known. These stones were sacred places where the ancient communities consulted the deities to perceive the future. The rituals associated with the throwing of stones, of which the Lovers Stones are example, consisted in throwing, with the backs faced, a stone towards a large rock and wether the stone landed or not on top of the rock, thus was the wish granted or not, which was, in general, what the future hold concerning the marriage.

Articles published in the issue 7 of Sabucale:

– Editorial

– Pedras de namorados no concelho do Sabugal (Martín Almagro-Gorbea; Jorge Torres)

– Pedras singulares (capítulo II): Outros achados arqueológicos enigmáticos do concelho do Sabugal (Marcos Osório)

– Sepulturas abertas na rocha de Malhada Formosa – Arrifana do Côa (Vilar Maior – Sabugal) (José Alves Bento)

– A Carta de Couto de Alfaiates (Carla Augusto)

– Tabeliães, Notários e documentação notarial do concelho de Sabugal (Levi Manuel Coelho)

– Os Condes de Sabugal, ligações familiares e a região de Riba Côa: Inventariação documental e diplomática na Torre do Tombo (Augusto Moutinho Borges)

– Núcleo museológico do Baraçal. O museu na ótica do utilizador (Carlos Afonso Borregana)

– O concelho do Sabugal nas recolhas musicais (José Alberto Sardinha)

– Sabugal: marketing territorial a partir do património cultural (Xavier Cameijo)

– O jornal Cinco Quinas como fonte de referências bibliográficas (Jorge Torres)

– List of publications reveived by offer or exchange

The Sabucale magazine is sold in the Sabugal Museum and Tourism Posts throughout the municipality, besides other selected places, and the sale price is 6 euros.